30 July 2024

Tram passengers and parcels: The perfect pairing?

Der Online-Handel lässt sich aus unserem Leben nicht mehr wegdenken und wird auch in Zu-kunft weiter zunehmen. Insbesondere in den Städten führt das schon jetzt zu deutlich mehr Verkehr auf den Straßen. Gleichzeitig sind Straßenbahnen gerade in den Randzeiten nicht voll ausgelastet – und der ÖPNV ist und bleibt meist ein Zuschussgeschäft. Warum als nicht Wa-renlogistik und Personentransport in der Tram verbinden?

From road to rail

This innovative idea was tested as part of the LogIKTram research project, with the Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft (AVG), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Research Centre for Information Technology (FZI) jointly developing a new type of logistics concept that shifts freight transport from road to tram tracks.

In order to unite public transport and logistics, AVG provided the researchers with a light rail vehicle that could be converted for this purpose. The freight tram was given a demonstration at the end of June 2024. Participants witnessed an electrically assisted bicycle trailer autono-mously enter the designated area of the tram. Parcels were then picked up by a courier at the relevant destination stop. The demonstration proved that the freight tram can be effortlessly integrated into the AVG's rail-based public transport network. However, in order for this solu-tion to establish itself as a sustainable transport system in everyday life, central hubs must be set up in the city from which cargo bikes can operate, and distribution centres for logistic companies must be efficiently connected to the tram system.

Freight tram as a model for other cities

With the freight tram, the LogIKTram team has developed an innovative and environmentally friendly transport system that offers new perspectives for urban freight transport: urban traffic can be reduced and the tram better utilised.

This logistics concept is intended to serve as a model for other cities and show how regional rail transport can be integrated into urban logistics.

Karlsruhe Mobility Lab at IT-TRANS

The first project results and the new LogIKTram logistics concept were presented at this year's IT-TRANS at the joint stand of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion, the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab. The Karlsruhe Mobility Lab is a globally recognised centre for the further development of public transport and new mobility concepts, and focuses on intelligent, resource-saving and sustainable mobility.

Find out more: https://logiktram.de/en/logiktram-the-freight-tram/