Press releases of IT-TRANS

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Press release / 6/13/2024
Future Mobility Award winner revealed

Ne-mi from Spain impresses with its on-demand bus line and sustainable, socially relevant concept

Press release / 5/17/2024
IT-TRANS 2024 proves its worth as a global showcase for future mobility solutions

With maximum customer satisfaction and international appeal, go-ahead already given for 2026 edition

Press release / 5/8/2024
Three days dedicated to the digitalisation of public transport

IT-TRANS exhibition and conference: Programme highlights

Press release / 5/2/2024
Technology pioneer and AI scientist adviser Inma Martinez is our IT-TRANS keynote speaker

Inma Martinez is a technology pioneer and AI scientist focused on the digital economy as a force for progress and societal welfare.

Press release / 5/1/2024
Save the date: IT-TRANS press talk

Topic: "Digitalisation in public transport between potential and practice"

Press release / 4/16/2024
Innovative ideas to make life easier for public transport staff

Shortage of trained personnel? IT-TRANS exhibitors present technologies to ease employee workload in the event of unexpected incidents

Press release / 4/16/2024
AI offers unrivalled potential for transport and mobility

IT-TRANS 2024: Exhibitors and speakers to provide updates on process optimisation and increasing efficiency through Artificial Intelligence

Press release / 3/25/2024
IT-TRANS Conference: Where the future of public transport is being shaped

For more than a decade, the IT-TRANS conference has been the trend-setting platform for all those who want to find out about and exchange information on digitalisation in public transport and the mobility of tomorrow.

Press release / 3/25/2024
We must shift our focus away from large highway projects

Victoria Markewitz is one of six headline speakers at the IT-TRANS conference from May 14-16. She is Partnerships Director at Via Transportation and will be speaking on a top-tier panel about Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)

Press release / 2/19/2024
MaaS@IT-TRANS: Exhibitors reveal how mobility can succeed seamlessly, individually and synergistical

Exchange and collaboration at the heart of the exhibition and conference - and the basis for successful MaaS projects

Press release / 2/12/2024
Accessibility in real time: how digitalization is driving self-determined participation in public tr

IT-TRANS: App facilitates bus use for people with visual impairments - close exchange of experience with users during development

Press release / 12/18/2023
Driving the transport revolution: Innovative digital solutions showcased at IT-TRANS

Exhibition and conference 2024: Presale tickets now available – 80 per cent of floor space already booked

Press release / 10/9/2023
SWEG relies on the Integrated Rail Control Centre from IVU.rail

Digital workflow from the control centre to the passenger.

Press release / 9/29/2023
Karlsruhe, the focal point for digital mobility solutions: success story goes on

For more than 15 years, Karlsruhe has been the place to be for the leading event on intelligent solutions in public passenger transport – and will remain so after IT-TRANS 2024.

Press release / 9/6/2023
MaaS: Google activities as a wake-up call for the industry

Google is pushing ahead with the integration of Google Maps and mobility providers. Meanwhile, 500 cities with 72 operators are "live". Massive investments are still being made in the app to make it a "super app". But the industry itself is also investing. This is also shown by the exhibitors at IT-TRANS 2024.

Press release / 9/5/2023
Data and artificial intelligence for more flexible, sustainable mobility

Launched in 2021, the DAKIMO research project aims to make sustainable, "intermodal" mobility more attractive and seamless using artificial intelligence (AI) methods.